If I could fulfill any of your wish…
If I could fulfill any of your wish then it would be a new car for me.
If I could fulfill any of your wish then it would be a new car for me.
Lest sing and dance, we can bare your voice today after all it’s your birthday.
Enjoy your birthday! May all your wishes come true and hopefully your wife doesn’t find out about them!
I wish today was not your birthday… because I forgot to get you a present. I’ll blow out your candles so my wish will come true.
Wishing you a birthday as fun as your original birthday, minus the terrifying, slimy birth experience.
I am wishing it was my birthday on your birthday. But since it’s your birthday, I’ll keep the presents and you keep the age.
I wish I had remembered to get you a present. My memory must be going in your old age.
Some people try to hide their age by calling themselves mature or seniors, but I like being honest with old people.
The most frustrating thing about becoming an old cynical person is that it is difficult to blame someone for it happening.
For your birthday I wanted to get you a special birthday trip to the only place I know you would really want to go. Unfortunately, they sold out of tickets for the time machine. I guess you’ll have to enjoy your presents in the present.
Who says you actually have to keep having birthdays? We all stop having them sometime. There’s a ton of people in the cemeteries that stopped celebrating birthdays a long time ago.
If you have a birthday in the middle of the woods and no one is there to celebrate with you, then did you actually get older? Happy birthday, and have fun on your camping trip to the middle of nowhere.
Best wishes on your 21st time having a 29th birthday. Keep enjoying your twenties.
I usually try to give people a birthday card that matches their age. Unfortunately, they were all out of the stone tablet and ancient papyrus greeting cards. I guess this more modern version will have to do.
Just think, if we hatched out of eggs like birds instead of being born, we’d have to tell people “Happy Hatch Day!” instead of Happy Birthday.
I understand if you don’t want to tell me your true age. However, I have a math problem for you to help me with. If I’m __ years old now, how old will you be when I turn 100 years old?
There’s a correlation between aging and being dishonest about your age. So, on a scale of 1-100, how many years dishonest are you?