Looking for birthday wishes in Mandarin? Here’s how to say Happy Birthday in Mandarin Language and some colorful happy birthday images in Mandarin.
Happy Birthday in Chinese or Mandarin language is written as 生日快乐!
May all your wishes come true is written as 心想事成 (xīn xiǎng shì chéng)
May you have peace wherever you go is written as 出入平安 (chū rù píng ān).
May you have smooth sailing is written as 帆风顺 (yī fān fēng shùn).
May you be as lucky as you desire is written as 吉祥如意 (jí xiang rú yì).
May treasures fill your home is written as 金玉满堂 (jīn yù mǎn táng).
You can write a birthday letter like this in Chinese:
亲爱的XXX:(Qīn ài de XXX:) Dear XXX:
祝您生日快乐!(Zhù nín shēnɡrì kuàilè!) I wish you have a happy birthday!
身体健康!(Shēntǐ jiànkānɡ!) Good health!
笑口常开!(Xiàokǒu chánɡkāi!) May you smile!